Rhythm & Drums

It’s the start of a new week, that means we’ll be experiencing something new in music class!

As we start music class in our wonderful little circle, we will sing one of our welcome songs to greet our friends and get ready for music.  We need to be wide awake and ready for rhythms, so we will warm up with an old favorite… “If You’re Happy & You Know It”!  Children love this song!  The excitement it creates is amazing!  This is a song that can be sung anytime and anywhere!

This week we will be talking about an instrument from the Percussion Family.  I will bring in my large blue drum.  Each student will be able to take a turn banging on the drum.  The drum can be loud and surprise the students with it’s sound!  What fun!


Roger Ribbit will hear all the noise we are making with the drum, and want to teach us a new rhythm & note.  We will learn what an eighth note looks like and it’s beat.  An eighth note is short so we say “te”.  If there are two eighth notes, we say “te te”.  If we put words to a rhythm, this can make it even easier to remember.  We will learn that by saying “heartbeat”, we can clap and sing our eighth note, and it’s more fun!

eighthnote 2EighthNotes

We will then get to play on a variety of Remo drums and use our new “heartbeat” rhythm.  We will “bang” our drums to a fun song called, “Heartbeat Jam”.  It will be noisy but our room will be full of rhythmical beats!